Thursday, December 11, 2008


Week before of the intramural's I'm so excited because i am prepared with my event BASKETBALL. But suddenly we lost our fight in fourth game I'm so upset because I'm expecting a lot that we will win because of the gap in scores in 1st quarter till 3rd quarter,but then our opponent win that game.huhuhu
Because of that experiences I learn a lot of things,more patient, courage and cooperative.
because in intramural's and the event I choose you can learn more about cooperation because you must be one in your game or support to each other with your co-player so that you can bit your opponent.Being cooperative in the game is the main key to win and have a courage to fight against COMBACCS giants.



zik_05 said...

. JamPonG u diD ur bEst in inTrAmuRalS, Hu cAre iF u Lost The GaMe ThE fAct wE plAy AnD We did oUr bEst As a pLayEr dVahhhhhh. . . .
. . . teKa w8 GaAndA nG bLog mO. .

Isidoro said...